Sunday, February 6, 2011

All About the Brain

By Suzanne C.

Blog #3

Vocabulary/Concept Vitalizer
 Pages 43-87
     As Michael Gurian went on to explain how the differences in male and female brains affect their learning, I encountered the following terms that I was unfamiliar with.

Page 44
 ancillary-adj. 1. subordinate, subsidiary    
                           example:  the main factory and its ancillary plants
                       2.Auxiliary, supplementary    
                          example:  the need for ancillary evidence  

Page 47
Psychosocial dynamics- a process of change or growth involving both psychology and social conditions

Psychosocial-adj. 1. involving both pyscholgical and social aspects
                            2. relating social conditions to mental health
 Dynamics-noun    1. a process of change, growth or activity  

Page 48
Nascent-adj.- coming or having recently come into existence  
                        example:  a nascent middle class, her nascent singing career

Page 51
Visual perceptual abilities-  competence in perceiving things through sight

Visual- adj. 1. of, relating to, or used in vision
                   2. attained or maintained by sight
Perceptual-adj.   of, relating to, or involving perception especially in relation to immediate sensory experience

Ability-noun-1.the quality or state of being able
                    2.competence in doing, skill

Amygdala-  one of the four basal ganglia in each cerebral hemisphere that is part of the limbic system and     consists of an almond shaped mass of gray matter in the anterior extremity of the temporal lobe, also known as amygdaloid nucleus

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These definitions were found in the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

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