Sunday, February 13, 2011

Important Things to Consider in the "Ultimate Preschool Classroom"

Blog #4
Suzanne Corsall
Idea Illustrator
pages 86-126

In this chapter, Gurian mentions aggressive behavior in boys at the preschool and kindergarten level..  While he does not believe that children should be allowed to hurt each other, he believes that they should not simply be punished.  Instead teachers should remind children  to "use their words" and tell the other child how the action makes them feel.  Some may just say "I don't like it."  While others may say, "It hurts when you hit me."  Gurian believes that this helps to redirect aggression nuturance toward empathy nurturance.  However, Gurian does not believe that aggression nurturance should be condemned.  He feels it is natural and beneficial for boys to bump, prod, and push each other or otherwise engage in "rough and tumble play" for it builds strength, focus, attentiveness, and hierarchy.

Gurian discusses how a preschooler's nutrition can affect their learning.  He describes how a breakfast high in carbohydrates like a piece of toast or a bowl of cereal actually "dulls their ability to learn".When they have carbohydrates and do not exercise right after they experience a sugar crash which manifests in the jitters for boys and depression or feeling low for girls.  Instead he says that children should eat "brain foods" that are high in omega-3 fatty acids such as fish products.  Eating nutritiously can help enhance learning and curb behavior problems.


 Gurian strongly feels that children in preschool and kindergarten are being medicated when they do not need to be. It has adverse affects on brain development.   He feels that when their brain differences are taken into account and that parents and teachers provide them with the time, love, and nurturing they need that they can function successfully without medication.  He doesn't think medication should be an option until the age of 7. 

1 comment:

  1. Alison Getsloff
    Response to Suzanne's Blog #4

    I really enjoyed looking at your pictures you chose for this weeks readings because I you were spot on- especially the little cartoon you chose. I feel like kids don't have a choice when it comes to drugs and if they "don't sit still" then parents or teachers who don't know how to deal with them, recommend doctors, who in return recommend drugs.

    I also liked your image of no hitting because in the book, it talks about how boys are the ones to lash out at a young age. By using words and saying "I don't like it", in my opinion won't help the boys. In this chapter, it was recommended that the boys go to a corner of the room and play with a nerf bat and ball, and I think this is very interesting. This is something that can get their anger out, and not hurt anyone else in the process. Words are a good way to get boys to simmer down, but I think that sometimes boys do just need to get out a little bit of their frustrations or energy and that is a great way to do it.
