Monday, February 28, 2011

"The garden is very much the brain's classroom..."

Blog #5
Alison Getsloff
Idea Illustrator

 On pages 139-140, the outdoor classroom was discussed and there seems to be a structural trend in some schools to eliminate recess. I think this could possibly be the worst idea for a number of reasons. As stated also on this page, "In considering whether this trend is useful to the child, we might stop to think that 32 percent of American schoolchildren are overweight or obese, and a quarter of American schoolchildren do not regularly participate, according to the surgeon general, in the vigorous activity that is necessary for full child development."


On page 131, it was stated that "Teaching is one of the most difficult jobs in civilization and one of the least rewarding with monetary compensation." This video that I once saw, reminded me of what else teachers make... It is truly an empowering video that I think all teachers/future teachers must see.

On page 144, there was an excerpt from a teacher, Carol Myers, about how she increased bonds with her students: "Each morning at the top of the stairs I give my students some directions or a problem to think about. While they are thinking I invite each student one at a time in order to greet them personally. I am able to make eye and physical contact (handshake or a hug) with each child every school day, thus building relationships."

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