Sunday, February 6, 2011

Can Better Education do enough?

Essence Extractor
Daniela Elliott
Blog #3
(pages 43-87)

Can educational advancements alter a worldwide “men are best” stereotype?

1 comment:

  1. Response to Danila's Blog #3
    By, Alison Getsloff

    I think you hit this right on the nail. I feel like this chapter discussed how hard it was for males to learn and function in a classroom. Yes, they did mention once or twice how each individual child is different and there can be exceptions to the rules, but I think for the most part they discussed only negative things about males.

    I think as future teachers, it is great that we are reading and learning about this now so if and when we see struggling children, we can figure out how to fix this situation-all by just learning the differences in males and females. Each has their own quirks, but who knew there was so much into the different learning styles of each sex?
