Monday, March 21, 2011

Creative Connector

Alison Getsloff
Blog #7
Pages- 204-265
"Creative Connector"

The first quote that I felt I could relate to was on page 205, "...if middle school is not exactly a battlefield, it is certainly a place of stress and strain."

This passage made me think back to when we had small "fun nights" in the gym on certain Friday nights in middle school. People would dance, play games, have popcorn from the popcorn machine, etc. These were supposed to be "FUN NIGHTS" but instead most girls were crying over which boy chose to dance with someone else or who spilled something on their new cute Abercromie shirt. With all the changes brought on in middle school, it certainly is a place of stress. Girls are changing, boys are changing, nothing is the same anymore.

On page 214, it states" As many teachers have discovered on their own when they experiment with having boys and girls seat themselves, a natural segregation often occurs. Holla, a Hickman Mills Middle School teacher, allowed her students to choose their own seats. She found that the boys and girls segregated themselves anyway."

I remember being in middle school and always wanting to be with the girls. You feel more comfortable, you didn't have to try and impress anyone and it was just easier. This brings up the question of "should boys and girls learn separately?" If there are less distractions, then, why not?

On page 224, it states, "There is no middle schooler who wants to learn language arts, math, science, or any other subject in the presence of an elder she or he does not trust or like."

I truly believe in this statement. Growing up I had a lot of teachers that I loved- but at the same time, I had some I couldn't stand. I think this happens for every child, but teachers should want to teach, want to have kids like them, and should want to have a lasting bond with each and every child. I think sometimes teachers forget why they teach, and just do the same boring routine day after day. They have to follow certain standards of learning and teaching instead of just having fun once in a while and letting kids have fun. That's what childhood is about anyway, right?

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