Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What are Teenagers Learning Outside of the Classroom?

Daniela Elliott
Blog # 8
pages 266-317
Idea Illustrator

1.  One of the biggest issues that plague high school students is the idea of fitting in; being cool.  This idea can harm student’s self-concept, whether they’re considered “cool” or not.  Sometimes being in the in-crowd can convince people that they’re above others or that they can possibly treat others who are outside of the in-crowd, in a negative or demeaning way.   Or, on the other hand, student’s who don’t feel cool or made to feel un-cool, will feel poorly about them which can lead to harmful effects against themselves or others.

2. It’s strange to believe what the above cartoon is saying but, I can unfortunately agree. Other than my closest high school friends I try to avoid the people I meet in high school and the awkward conversation that inevitably follows when you do run in to them.   So much of high is spent trying to impress or fit in with your schoolmates  in the four years you’re in high school and once graduation is over with, you wonder why you bothered so much.

3. Teen pregnancy is a major discussion point and problem in high schools today.  So much so that health clinics and abortion clinics have become a normal part of life for teenagers.  Whether a person is pro-life or pro-choice, this debatable topic continues to cause concern across the country.


  1. Daniela,

    What is your opinion on school uniforms? Do you think it would reduce competitiveness in high school students?


  2. Shannon O.:
    Daniela, your first comment about students trying to be "cool" has me wondering what sort of steps teachers can make to combat that. Recently, in the first grade class where I observe, a female student asked me, "Why are all of the other girls pretty, and I'm not?" It broke my heart that she thought that, and it made me realize how young kids actually start thinking about that sort of thing.
