Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What does that mean exactly?

Daniela Elliott
Blog #5, pages 126-180
Vocabulary/Concept Vitalizer

In this week’s blog I chose to look in to vocabulary that is used to describe educational events, people or statements made in the book that I had heard of, and read, before but never really took the time to understand the true definition. Researching these definitions certainly enhances my understanding of the reading:

Prophetic, pg 143
Adjective: predictive; presageful or portentous; ominous: prophetic signs; prophetic warnings

Draconian, pg 170
Adjective: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Draco or his code of laws.
- of or relating to Draco, 7th-century Athenian statesman and lawmaker, or his code of laws, which prescribed death for almost every offence.
- rigorous; unusually severe or cruel:

Truism, pg 146
Noun: a self-evident, obvious truth.

Emotional literacy, pg 149; see below

Promulgated, pg 154
-    to make known by open declaration; publish; proclaim formally or put into operation (a law, decree of a court, etc.).
-    to set forth or teach publicly (a creed, doctrine, etc.).

1 comment:

  1. Alison Getsloff's response to Daniela's blog #5:

    I really like the definitions you chose to look up this week because I, too, didn't know what some of those meant. The pictures you chose work great with the definitions and I have always known what truism meant- and that picture is spot on.

    I like the picture you chose for emotional literacy because it really helps you understand what it exactly means. I also feel that there is more to emotional literacy than what is in that particular diagram.
