Monday, March 7, 2011

Essence Extractor

Blog #6
Alison Getsloff
Essence Extractor
Pages 167-204

When a mutual bond of respect is created between a teacher and a student, postive, healthy and fun learning can take place.


  1. This statement seems so simple, but in reality I don't think it's easy to achieve. I think that in the past, if I child misbehaved and a parent was told the parent would support the teacher and do what they could to help the situation. However, now, I think parents think that if a child is not behaving or achieving it's because the teacher doesn't know what they are doing. Therefore, when a parent is either consciously or unconsciously preventing a bond between their child and teacher it is difficult to form one. It is also hard to overcome the negative perceptions of teachers that students and their parents hold from previous experiences.

  2. The above comment about respect and discipline is by Suzanne C. in response to Alison's Blog #6
